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Fundraising is a vital part of school life, but it’s equally as dreaded as it is important. True fact—everyone hates begging for money; it’s awkward. Plus, finding inventive school fundraising ideas, year after year, is exhausting and makes my brain hurt. Will your idea actually work? Are the kids going to like it? Will it be fun or just dumb? Is it actually possible to pull it off? What is the cost-to-benefit ratio?

There’s so much more to designing the perfect school fundraiser than just bringing in funds. Let’s break down the art of fundraising and find the ideal moneymaker for your school or extracurricular group! To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of fun and creative school fundraising ideas, tailored for elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, sports teams, and extracurricular groups. These ideas are designed to engage participants, raise funds effectively, and create memorable experiences for everyone involved.

Tips for Choosing the Best School Fundraiser

silver and gold round coins on top of paper money

Before you jump into a fundraiser, there are a few considerations you should hash out with your group. Not every great idea is created equal. Here are a few tips to think about before you jump in head-first.

The ideal fundraiser should be:

  • Focused on your school population or niche- While this seems like a no-brainer, the more catered your event is to your niche, the more likely your people are to be interested and get involved.
    • For instance, a group of ballet parents are far more likely to get involved with a leotard fashion show, where you raise funds by selling tickets, than they would be for selling candy bars or a yard sale.
  • Simple– Parents are overwhelmed by the idea, or it will take hours of effort, they’re unlikely to jump on board.
  • Inclusive-Teachers, parents, students, community leaders, businesses—They all have their own set of skills and circle of acquaintances. The more people you get involved, the better your outcome.
  • Well advertised- The more PR you do beforehand to amp up teachers, community members, and students, the more successful your event will be. Put someone in charge of social media. Make reels. Take photos of the planning process and post them. Keep folks interested!
  • Innovative- People get sick of the same old stuff every year. Don’t be afraid to try something new!
  • Legal– Be aware of local and state regulations, especially when dealing with a raffle or gift card fundraiser.

School Fundraising Ideas for Elementary Schools

Successful ideas for elementary schools include activities that are fun for kids, get parents and grandparents involved, and encourage an element of learning.

The great thing about little kids is that they’re easily excited about new ventures. If you hype it up, they’ll get it done, and they’ll get everyone else on board with their irresistible fervor.

1. Read-a-Thon

A read-a-thon encourages students to read as many books as possible within a set period while collecting pledges for each book or page read. It’s a fantastic way to promote literacy and raise funds simultaneously.

2. Art Show and Auction

Have students create artwork that can be displayed in a school art show. Parents and community members can bid on the pieces in a silent auction, turning creative expression into a meaningful fundraising event. Be sure to create a Facebook Live for your auction so family members can bid from home.

3. Penny Wars

Set up jars for each grade level and have students contribute pennies (or other coins) to their grade’s jar. The class with the most pennies wins a prize (preferably donated by a local business). This is a very easy fundraiser to arrange, and the collected change adds up to substantial money.

4. Family Fun Night

Organize an evening of games, crafts, and activities for families. Charge an entry fee or sell tickets for various activities like face painting, carnival games, or a cakewalk. Have local businesses donate a gift basket and sell raffle tickets for them.

5. Shoe Drive Fundraiser

A shoe drive fundraiser is a perfect event for an elementary school because kids at this age grow out of their shoes after a few wears and many families have gently used pairs lying around!

Organizations like Funds2Orgs will act as your facilitator. You collect new or barely used shoes. When you reach your goal, you contact them, and they will pick them up and pay you for your contribution. They will ship the shoes to small business owners all over the world, who can resell them at a profit. It’s an easy recycling fundraiser that keeps shoes out of landfills and on the feet of those who need them.

6. Bake Sale

The classic bake sale never goes out of style. Students, parents, and teachers can contribute homemade goodies, which are sold during school events or lunchtime. Adding a twist, like themed treats, can make it even more appealing.

Quick Tip: Get a vibrant and funny volunteer to auction off the prizes!

7. Scavenger Hunt

Set up a simple scavenger hunt at your school playground or local park. Each family pays a small fee to participate, and you have teams do a photo or video challenge at each spot to make memories and post on your event’s social media page!

Strike a deal with a local ice cream, snowcone, or taco truck to share funds for some extra moolah!

8. Walk-a-Thon

Students collect pledges based on the number of laps or distance they walk during a school-organized walk-a-thon. It’s a healthy and active way to raise funds while building school spirit. Have the kids dress up in a costume of their choosing to amp up the fun!

9. Holiday Gift Shop

Set up a small shop where students can purchase inexpensive gifts for their family and friends. Gifts can be purchased in bulk or donated by local businesses. The event is run by volunteers, and the school receives the profits.

10. School Sleepover

Students pay a fee to attend, and parents can sponsor their child’s participation. Students stay overnight at the school, participating in activities like movie marathons, games, crafts, and even a midnight snack. With supervised sleepover zones and a well-planned schedule, it’s a safe and memorable experience that students will talk about for weeks!

  • Quick Tip: If you have a larger school where this would be impossible, this event works great for a single grade or a sports team as well. I once had a sleepover in the gym with my peewee basketball team as a fundraiser, and we still talk about it to this day!

School Fundraising Ideas for Middle Schools

Middle schoolers are notoriously difficult to please. What’s cool today with definitely be “sus” tomorrow. Your best bet is to get them involved in the planning process and make sure your school fundraising idea is preteen-approved!

11. Talent Show

Organize a talent show where students showcase their unique skills, from singing to juggling. Charge an admission fee for attendees, and consider adding a concession stand to increase revenue.

12. Pizza or Food Truck Night

Partner with local pizza shops or food trucks and arrange a special school night where a portion of the sales goes to the school. It’s an easy and tasty way to raise funds while bringing the community together.

13. Escape Room Challenge

Create an escape room experience at school where students pay to participate. Teams work together to solve puzzles and “escape” within a time limit. This is a great team-building or family-bonding activity and a fun way to raise funds.

14. Recycling Drive

Hold a recycling drive where students and families bring in recyclable materials like cans, metal jewelry, bottles, or consumer electronics. The school can then redeem these for cash or gift cards. is a great option for repurposing any electronic (working or not). You collect the items, ship them for free, and they pay for every item you collect!

15. Movie Night

Transform the school gym or auditorium into a movie theater and charge admission for a movie night. Add popcorn, candy, and drinks for sale to boost profits. If weather permits, have it outside reminiscent of an old-fashioned drive-thru!

16. Teacher Dunk Tank

Set up a dunk tank at a school event where students pay for the chance to dunk their favorite (or least favorite!) teacher. It’s a hilarious way to raise funds and build rapport between students and staff.

17. Book Fair

Host a book fair where students and families can purchase new or gently used books. Partner with a local bookstore or an online platform to buy books at a lower price.

18. Photo Booth

Set up a themed photo booth during school events where students can pay to take fun pictures with their friends. Provide props and costumes to make it even more entertaining.

19. School Dance

Host a themed school dance and charge admission. Adding a photo booth, concession stand, and fun decorations will make the event more memorable and profitable.

20. Video Game Tournament

Organize a video game tournament where students pay to enter and compete in popular games. Offer donated prizes for the winners to make it more competitive and exciting.

School Fundraising Ideas for High Schools

High school fundraisers are easier in some ways, as students can organize and run the event with much less oversight. Get their input. Let them help with every step of the process, and remember to add an element of fun!

21. Car Washes

A car wash is a classic high school fundraising idea. Set up in the school parking lot, students can offer car wash services for donations. Consider adding extras like a vacuum service for an additional fee.

22. Silent Auction

Organize a silent auction with donated items from local businesses, teachers, and parents. High school students can also contribute by offering services like tutoring or lawn care.

23. Battle of the Bands

Hold a battle of the bands competition where student bands can compete for a prize. Charge an entry fee for the bands and sell tickets for the audience. Adding concessions can also increase funds raised.

24. Prom Dress Swap

Organize a prom dress swap event where students can buy, sell, or trade gently used prom dresses and accessories. This is an eco-friendly and cost-effective option for students while raising funds for the school. Charge a small fee for entrance to the event.

25. Trivia Night

Host a trivia night where students, teachers, and parents form teams and compete against each other. Charge an entry fee and offer a prize for the winning team. Consider adding food and drink sales to increase profits.

26. Fashion Show

Organize a fashion show featuring student-designed or themed outfits. Charge admission and consider auctioning off some of the items showcased.

27. Teacher vs. Student Sports Game

Organize a friendly sports game where students compete against teachers. Charge admission for spectators, and add a concession stand to maximize fundraising.

28. Haunted House

Transform part of the school into a haunted house during Halloween and charge admission. Students can help design and act in the haunted house, keeping them involved in every aspect of the event.

29. Parent’s Night Out

Offer a babysitting service for parents on a designated night, where high school students watch younger children in a safe environment. Charge a fee per child and offer activities to keep them entertained.

30. Holiday Gift Wrapping Service

Set up a gift-wrapping station during the holiday season where students can wrap presents for a donation. This service can be offered at the school or in partnership with a local shopping center.

School Fundraising Ideas for Sports Teams

Sports gear is expensive and teams often need to raise extra funds. The list below is generic, but make sure to tailor it to your crowd in any way you can! Most of these can be tweaked for any kind of sport.

31. Team Merchandise Sale

Create and sell team-branded merchandise like t-shirts, hoodies, and hats. Customizing items with school colors and logos makes them more appealing to students, parents, and fans.

32. Athletic Challenge

Organize an athletic challenge, such as a fun run, obstacle course, or fitness competition. Participants can collect pledges or pay an entry fee to compete, with proceeds benefiting the team. Spectators come to enjoy the chaos and pay a small entrance fee as well.

33. Sports Clinics

Offer sports clinics led by team members or coaches to younger students. Charge a participation fee, and use the opportunity to build school spirit and support for the team.

34. Concession Stand Sales

Run a concession stand during school sports events, selling snacks, drinks, and team merchandise. This is a consistent and reliable fundraising source throughout the sports season.

35. Sponsorship Banners

Partner with local businesses to create sponsorship banners that are displayed at the school’s sports facilities. Charge a fee for the spot, and offer different sponsorship levels to attract a variety of businesses.

36. Athlete-for-a-Day Raffle

Hold a raffle where the winner gets to be an honorary team member for a day. They can participate in practice, sit on the bench during a game, and receive a team jersey as a keepsake. This one works great for small children and old athletes. Little kids love spending the day as a team member of the high school squad, and retired athletes get to relive those glory days and see if they’ve still got it!

37. Sports-Themed Calendar

Create a calendar featuring action shots of the team or individual players. Sell the calendars to students, parents, and community members to raise funds for the team.

38. 50/50 Raffle

During games or events, hold a 50/50 raffle where half the proceeds go to the winner, and the other half supports the team. It’s an easy way to raise funds while adding excitement to the event.

39. Sports Banquet

Host an end-of-season sports banquet where team members, coaches, and parents can celebrate the season’s successes. Charge for tickets and consider adding a silent auction or raffle to raise additional funds.

40. Fantasy Sports League

Create a fantasy sports league involving the school’s sports teams, where participants pay an entry fee to join. Participants can bet on individual records, wins, losses, etc. Offer a prize for the winner at the end of the season to increase participation.

School Fundraising Ideas for Extracurricular Groups

If you’re fundraising for an extracurricular group, you have the added benefit of a particular niche. Get creative, but make sure that your event stays within the realm of interest for your population. Here are a few great options for school bands, the arts, or career-based groups.

41. Craft Fair

Organize a craft fair where students, parents, and community members can sell handmade items. Charge a fee for booth space and sell refreshments to raise additional funds. See if you can partner with the local farmer’s market and just add your booths there!

42. Spelling Bee

Host a spelling bee where students can compete for a prize. Charge an entry fee for participants or charge admission for the audience. This event can also attract local sponsors.

43. Band Benefit Concert

If your school has a band, organize a benefit concert where the band performs for the school community. Sell tickets and consider offering concessions during the event.

44. Art Walk

Have art students decorate a local business for the holidays. Businesses pay a flat fee for the students to create and execute a unique design. It could be dressing a window in a clothing store, painting windows or signs with the business logo, or decorating the business’s Christmas tree.

On the night of your town’s Christmas parade, organize an art walk to see all the designs, and put out donation buckets where passers-by can show their appreciation.

45. 4-H Fair

For 4-H clubs, organize a mini fair where students can showcase their projects, from livestock to crafts. Charge admission and sell tickets for activities like animal rides, hay rides, corn mazes, or food stalls.

46. Cheerleading Mentors

Cheerleading squads can host a mentor day where younger students pay a fee to spend the day with a cheerleader. The leader will teach some skills and talk about important concepts like self-confidence, diligent practice, and teamwork.

You can also organize activities like making hair bows, face or fingernail painting, or basic tumbling lessons.

47. Future Business Leaders Sales Event

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) groups can organize a sales event where students sell products they’ve created or sourced on a budget. The students should be in charge of product acquisition, marketing, and profit-margin goals. It’s a great way to practice business skills while raising funds.

48. Future Homemakers Cook-Off

Future Homemakers of America (FHA) or similar groups can host a cook-off where participants pay an entry fee to compete. Sell the goods to the audience and offer a prize for the best recipe.

49. Drama Club Dinner Theater

For theater department-specific fundraising, a dinner theater is where it’s at! The club performs a play while the audience enjoys a meal. Charge for tickets and consider adding a raffle or auction to increase fundraising. You could even partner with the FHA to make the meal, and you split the profits.

50. Choir Singing Telegrams

Choir groups can offer singing telegrams where students pay to have a song delivered to someone special during school hours. It’s a fun and unique way to raise money while spreading cheer.

51. Robotics Demonstration Day

For robotics clubs, organize a demonstration day where students can showcase their robots and engineering skills. Charge admission and sell tickets for interactive activities like driving a robot or coding workshops.

52. Debate Team Mock Trial Night

Debate teams can host a mock trial night where students act out a fictional case in front of an audience. Charge admission and offer refreshments to raise additional funds. Pair up with the drama team as their creativity with ensure added suspense in your fictional case.

53. Science Fair Fundraiser

Science clubs can organize a science fair open to the public, charging admission for attendees. Include interactive exhibits and demonstrations to attract more visitors and increase donations. Make sure to have hands-on activities for small children and advertise to elementary school students.

54. Language Club International Food Festival

Language clubs can host an international food festival, where students and families prepare dishes from different cultures. Sell tickets for tasting and dress up in traditional clothing from your chosen nation.

55. Chess Tournament

Organize a chess tournament where students compete in matches for a prize. Charge an entry fee for participants and offer trophies or medals for the top players. To get the whole community involved, have students go to local businesses or even door-to-door and challenge community members to a game!

Closing Thoughts on School Fundraising Ideas

Two children performing in a dinner theater, one of the best school fundraising ideas

Fundraising is not just about raising money; it’s about building community, fostering creativity, and creating memorable experiences for students, parents, and teachers alike. With the right school fundraising ideas, you can support your school’s goals while having fun and engaging everyone involved. The key is to choose ideas that resonate with your community and align with your fundraising objectives. Now, get out there and raise some funds!

Happy fundraising!

School is back in session, and on top of organizing fundraisers, getting back in the habit of early bedtimes, and doing homework, you have to plan the dreaded school lunch! If you’ve got a picky eater, or you’re striving to incorporate a few healthy foods into your repertoire, check out our list of “10 Fun and Healthy School Lunch Ideas for Kids of All Ages.”

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