It is that time of year when home gardeners across Arkansas and really throughout America have begun to reap the rewards from their hard work of planting, watering, and praying.  One of the most popular and most enjoyed garden vegetables across the mid-south is okra.  Hardly can a southern style restaurant be found that doesn’t serve deep-fried okra.  This week we wanted to propose a slightly healthier but still yummy option to the deep-fried treat.


Stove Top Fried Okra


  1. Cut okra into quarter inch slices.
  2. Sprinkle with 3/4 cup of cornmeal per quart of chopped okra.
  3. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Stir okra until properly mixed with corn meal, salt  and pepper.
  5. Fry in skillet with 1/4 cup of vegetable oil per quart of okra.
  6. Place lid on skillet and cook until tender (approximately 45 min. on low heat).
  7. Stir as needed (about every 12 minutes).
  8. For last 5 minutes remove lid to allow okra to dry.

Serve, eat, and enjoy!

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